Our network of debt settlement attorneys negotiates with your creditors to reduce your payments!
Whether your business owes money to vendors, suppliers, or lenders, our experienced debt settlement attorneys can renegotiate your terms of payment so that your business can survive.
As one of the best debt settlement companies in the USA, we have successfully assisted many companies that were on the verge of closure by consolidating their business debt or modifying the payment terms with their existing creditors.
Let your company be the next success story of our experienced team.
What is Business Debt Settlement?
Business Debt Settlement refers to the process of negotiation with a collection agency to accept a settlement. This settlement would allow you to pay a portion of your original debt, while the agency forgives the rest.

How we Helped a Roof Repair Company in New Jersey Save Themselves From Catastrophe
By way of illustration, our company recently consolidated the debt of a roof repair business in New Jersey. To make payroll, they needed to get loans and take a small merchant cash advance. The daily repayment was manageable until they started hitting “the slow months”.
Payment of the first cash advance was straining the company’s cash flow, and the only immediate solution was to apply for a second cash advance and hope for a better day. The owner now had to make daily payments on 2 cash advances, which quickly proved to be impossible.
He went into default on both advances and was receiving constant harassment from the 2 lenders when he hired us. We immediately contacted the 2 lenders and requested all contact be directed to us.
This alleviated the pressure for the small business owner, however, who had become so concerned regarding paying the cash advances, that he was not able to focus on his business. Our next step was to submit a “hardship application” to both companies and explain that our client was simply incapable of making payments on both advances.
We eventually succeeded in convincing both lenders that they would only receive future payments from our client if it was part of an overall settlement by which all interest and penalties would be forgiven. He proceeded to pay back the original loan amounts over a 3-month period. His business is now debt-free and flourishing.
1. We Stop the Harassment
We are well aware that Merchant Cash Advance companies are experts in harassment. The first move that we make is to reach out to all your lenders and make sure that our company is their only point of contact moving forward.
2. We Negotiate a Settlement That Will Work For You
Merchant Cash Advance companies will only want to focus on their particular advance to your company; while you will need a solution that works for your overall business. Meaning, if you have multiple merchant cash advances, we will work with you to create an overall settlement that will work for your company. Each Merchant Cash Advance company will be made to understand that the settlement we propose is necessary for the survival of your company.
3. Cost
Although our company charges a reasonable fee for our services, you will see that you will be saving your company significantly by allowing us to negotiate your debts.
4. Bankruptcy
It is possible that your company will eventually need to file for bankruptcy. Our experience, however, is that too many companies file for bankruptcy when debt consolidation could have saved their company and returned them to profit. The caveat, however, is that the debt consolidation loans should be done by an experienced team, such as our network of lawyers.

Why Choose
Business Debt Counsel
Personalized Program
Experienced Debt Attorneys
Confidential &
Work With

Commercial Loan Restructuring vs. Commercial Loan Modification vs. Commercial Loan Workouts
Commercial loan restructuring refers to changing the terms of a loan. For instance, if you have a commercial loan with a bank, and your monthly payments are too high, you can try to restructure the loan by extending the term. This would lower your payment and gives you more time to pay it off.
Why You Should Settle Your Business Debts
Settling your business debts means starting over and getting on the pathway toward rebuilding your business and your credit. Plus, you can pay off your debt in just a few years rather than decades. Hiring a debt relief attorney can be a lifesaver when it comes to settling your business debts. This can also help you to avoid bankruptcy. Overall, you’ll be gaining financial freedom and peace of mind.

Business Debt Consolidation Attorney / Commercial Loan Modification Attorney
Working with a network of attorneys specializing in debt consulting services and commercial loan modification enables you to avoid the time-consuming quagmire of negotiating with your lenders. Business Debt Counsel has been helping small businesses settle business debts for more than 20 years. Prior to starting negotiations, our attorney will work directly with you to determine what you can afford to pay and a reasonable term of payment for you. We have been able to get lawsuits dismissed, judgments vacated, levied bank accounts released, and settlements made for our clients across the USA.


People Are Asking
What is a debt settlement attorney?
A debt settlement attorney is a legal professional who specializes in negotiating with creditors on behalf of individuals or businesses to settle their outstanding debts for a reduced amount. They provide legal advice and guidance throughout the debt settlement process.
How can a debt settlement attorney help me?
A debt settlement attorney can assist you in negotiating with your creditors to reach a settlement agreement that allows you to pay off your debts for less than the full amount owed. They can handle communications with creditors, review your financial situation, and provide legal advice throughout the debt settlement process.
Will hiring a debt settlement attorney eliminate all my debts?
Hiring a debt settlement attorney does not guarantee that all your debts will be eliminated. However, the attorney will work to negotiate with your creditors to settle your debts for less than the full amount owed, potentially saving you money in the process.